Mark Power visualises historic weather reports, imagining beautiful, daunting seascapes of blustering winds, endless rainfall and churning waves
German photographer Tom Hegen’s aerial photographs investigate salt production, and the complex relationship humans have with the planet
Bernd and Hilla Becher blurred the lines between media, documenting now-demolished industrial structures across Europe and the United States
di Gianpiero Rossi «Le persone di strada non si lasciano fotografare. Anzi, quando se ne accorgono si incazzano proprio e qualcuno può diventare pure […]
“Photography preceded cinema, but does this imply that photography is the parent of cinema?” Here, five Aesthetica Art Prize finalists explore this question
A ROMA, VILLA MEDICI. Da Brassaï e Doisneau a Photo League, la collezione dei coniugi Bachelot, nella mostra di Sam Stourdzé, racconta le criticità sociali dal dopoguerra […]
Sophie CALLEPhotographe Tour à tour décrite comme artiste conceptuelle, photographe, vidéaste et même détective, Sophie Calle a développé une pratique immédiatement reconnaissable, alliant le texte à […]